Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Less Than A Week To Go

After 5 months of training I have less than a week until the marathon. Thank you to everyone who has donated. You have helped the team raise over $750,000.00 so far. Our fundraising pages are active through May so continue to forward the link to friends.

Feel free to track me on Marathon Monday my bib # is 22866. I've been hit by some serious tendonitis this season so I'm expecting a slow, painful run. If you see me out there on the course, please cheer me on. I will need it, especially in the hills leading up to Heartbreak.

From what I have learned this training season, the marathon is an extremely gruelling task physically. The Boston Marathon, though, is a completely different monster. I have been lucky enough to have trained the entire season on the course, getting to know the ups and downs of the hills from Hopkinton to Newton. It is clear to me now why Boston is given such legendary status. Preparing physically is the easy part. If you don't show up prepared for the emotional toll the course takes, you will not finish.

It is the mental part of the race where I think I have been given an advantage. Running with Team In Training has put me in a position where I am constantly inspired to push through barriers. All I have to do is remember the stories of survivors or those who have lost the battle with blood cancer. Throughout the season those stories reminded me of what the team was accomplishing and they helped me to finish the long training runs.

I am dedicating my training, fundraising and marathon finish to my sister Beth who passed away on September 24, 2010. After witnessing her experience fighting cancer, I will never forget the incredible physical and emotional strength she showed when faced with a never ending uphill battle. She never gave up and neither will I.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Signs Your Beard Is Too Big

24 Weeks

I haven't done a beard update post in a while, I've been busy.  So here it is.  This is what 24 weeks looks like:

It's looks unkempt but that's just what happens at work when I start pulling the hair out of my head.

This is what I'll be sawing through on April 19.  I'm fueling the chainsaw now.
 10 days to go.  Donations still accepted!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Brian Wilson's Beard

Brian Wilson, All-Star closer for the San Francisco Giants, has an awesome beard.  You can explore it here.

Happy Opening Day!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Salem Spring Fling Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday April 2, 2011 from 6pm on at the Salem Spring Fling.  This event is the kick-off to Salem Restaurant Week so prepare for good food, wine, beer and music.

We will have a Team In Training table there to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Come by to enter our 50/50 raffle or to get some free goodies.  See you there!

When:  April 2 @ 6 PM
Where: Old Town Hall Salem

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Awesome Wetsuit for Sale - $ Go to LLS!

$125 or best offer.
 Actual value = $380
Size = Women's Small

Email: beardsagainstbloodcancer@gmail.com to inquire.  Thank you!

Friday, March 4, 2011


We have raised over $620,000 collectively.  Go Team!

PS: I am still growing a beard and this thing is no joke. 19 weeks so far without a shave - 7 weeks to go.  The donations keep me going, don't let my vanity or discomfort win this battle.  The razor is aolways close by.  Keep donating and help the team get to $1,000,000.00.

19 Weeks:
This is normal beard face: tired, lonely, reflective.  Help!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

20 Mile Run This Weekend

Come watch me experiencing crippling pain for 3 hours in my first 20 mile run.  The temperature is supposed to be in the mid-40's which may as well be 90 deg. after the single digits we had this morning.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fundraising Progress Beard

We are getting very close to our goal.  Please continue to tell your family and friends about this cause.  The fundraiser at Tides Restaurant went well.   Our next event will be the at the Spring Fling in Salem on April 2.  Details to follow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fundraising Event in Nahant!

Join us at Tides Restaurant & Pub this Thursday February 24, 2011 from 6 to 9pm in Nahant, MA.

Tides will donate 10% of sales between 6 and 9pm that night to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  We will also have a raffle with prizes including:

-Bruins Tickets
-Bruins Autographed Pucks
-FitWerx gift certificate
-YMCA 12-visit passes
-Custom Etched wine glasses

Fundraising Progress

As a team we have raised over $580,000. Keep the donations coming!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Here's A Bearded Valentine

I was very close to shaving my beard recently until I read about this guy:

His name was Valentine Tapely and he grew a beard measuring 12'-6" simply because he made a promise.  Durning the 1860 presidential race, Valentine, a staunch democrat, said he would nevershave again if Abe became president.  Mr. Tapely stayed true to his word and allowed his beard to grow from 1860 until his death in 1910.

Political reasons aside, I was impressed with this guy's ability to keep his promise. 

I made a promise too:  26 weeks without a shave.  It's not 50 years but it is definitely a better cause.  Neither a 12 foot 50 year old beard or one grown to 3.5 inches in 6 months is going to change the world but it can be symbolic.  Mine represents stubborness, but it's also a physical reminder of perseverance and the reason I am training for the marathon and raising money.  Anyone can help and be stubborn against blood cancer, just go to this link.  Thank you.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Beard Grows

My beard grows down to my toes,
I never wears no clothes,
I wraps my hair
Around my bare,
And down the road I goes.

-Shel Silverstein

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


In celebration of Red Sox Truck Day 2011... 51 days until Opening Day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


10 of the 14 recognized weather prognosticating marmots, including Punxsutawney Phil, have predicted an early spring.  Warren the Whiskered Woodchuck (above), a lesser known groundhog, woke up late, tried to shovel his car out, stopped, went back inside and had eggs and homefries for breakfast.  Local lore states that this behavior means winter better end soon, or else.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Game Over

I love the audience reaction. Nobody is into beard competitions more than these people. Nobody.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Super Beard XLV

The Vince Lombeardi Trophy

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who attended the fundraiser on Friday.  Together, my teammate Trevor and I, raised over $1,000.  Please go to the events section to see details about our next event and continue to forward this link to family and friends.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How do I get there?

Directions to the Wine & Beer Tasting Fundraiser Tonight!
  • From 128 North take exit 26 (Lowell Street) toward Peabody Square/Salem [1.5 miles]
  • Continue through Peabody Square onto Main Street and then Boston Street [1.1 miles]
  • Turn left at Bridge Street (Dunkin' Donuts on the Corner) [0.8 miles]
  • After you go under the bridge, turn right onto Washington Street [0.3 miles]
  • Turn left at New Derby Street [0.1 miles]
There will be parking on the left in a small lot.  There is also street parking near the fire station and on adjoining streets.  Find the corner of Essex and Central Streets and you have arrived.  See you there!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Polar Beard

B.A. Bearacus

Beard Off

So you think you have a beard?  You don't:  The World Beard Championships

Since the early 1990's, originally taking place in Germany, this competition has crowned a World Beard Champion.
"A panel of distinguished judges chooses the best of the best in a variety of categories ranging from the most delicate of moustaches to the elaborate anything-goes freestyle full beard."          
After reading about the WBC I was inspired to throw my beard in the competitive ring.  But who would dare go up against this face:

Only one competitor was confident enough to go face to face with me:

I think it's obvious who walked away with this one:

It was hearty competition but I don't think either of us are ready for The US Beard Team which has become a powerhouse in the sport of competitive beard growing.

Fundraiser Friday

Wine & Beer Tasting
to Benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

When: Friday January 28, 2011 @ 7 PM

              185 Essex Street
              Salem, MA 01970


Come for good wine, craft beer, gourmet food and prizes.  Enjoy yourself while you are helping to save lives.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Beard is Growing!

We are on our way.  Thank you for your support.  Be sure to join us for the wine and beer tasting in Salem, MA on Friday night.  See the EVENTS section for details.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Toothpick Beard

The Universal Record Database is a place where world record achievements, no matter how absurd or meaningless, are recognized.  This is just one example and coincidentally it involves beards.  Toothpick beard record.

Hair to the Chief

Mile 16 to 21

I experienced the hills of Newton for the first time last week.  It was an 11 mile run with the team.  We hit three of the 4 major hills between mile 16 and 21.  The turnaround for the days run was at the base of the fourth of the major hills known as "Heartbreak."   The run went well and I finished with some energy left over but the thought of doing those hills after running 16 miles and having to endure another 10 miles to the finish is daunting.  So, lately, I have focused on my cross training to strengthen my core.  The coaches have impressed on us that the cross training sessions are the key to finishing upright.  They seem to be right, the cross training keeps your heart rate up for the entire workout and strengthens muscles you may not realize you are using during while running.  The result is a second wind on the long 10+ mile runs and better recovery.
Note: Even though they appear like black and white photos, these are just very detailed drawings.
Saturday I did 12.5 miles.  It was a tough morning.  The sidewalks were limited so most of my running was on the street against traffic.  The slushy mess on the side of the road wasn't melting because of the low temps (10 - 20 F) so it was like running in slippery sand most of the time.

So, the training is slow but steady but that's the easy part. The fundraising has slowed down to a crawl.  Please pass this link on to friends and family.  Help save lives.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Twitteral Hirsute

I'm not sure what twitter is but I'm on it now.  It's my first time here in the 21st century.  Facebook is not enough to feed my narcissistic tendancies;  I'm sure everyone will want to know exactly what I'm doing at every second of every day.  I'm hoping it will at least attract more donations!

Clickety: http://twitter.com/#!/ohbeard

Future Tweets:

Beard Trustworthiness Scale

This scale should help you gauge the trustworthiness of the bearded based on the style of beard.  I find the scale to be very accurate because there are times when I am feeling unsavory and I really wish I had "The Hogan."  Also, when I am rustled from my slumber too early I definitely have "The Unkempt Beard" which can be very threatening.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

There's an App for That

The question "should I grow a beard?" is very common among those contemplating the endeavor.  It is my opinion that the answer should always be a resounding YES, but there are those few vain souls who worry about their appearance.  They don't want to put the time and effort into cultivating a face mop just to realize they look like a gargoyle with rats taped to their face.  I see all of it as part of the beard growing journey but to each his own.  If you are still on the fence just download the 'beardme' app and you can see yourself with any type of beard imaginable.

This app looks pretty good but I'm working on one that will allow you to see what you would look like with your favorite celebrity beard and hair.  For example:

Bob Ross

Conan O'Brien

Davy Jones